Preparing your final arrangements is one of the least enjoyable tasks that you will have to perform during your lifetime, but it is critical for ensuring that your passing goes a smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, preparing these arrangements can be dauntingly complicated due to the variety of issues that will have to be properly handled. Learning about the following two answers to some questions should enable you to have a stronger ability to make sound choices regarding these plans.
Is It Possible To Stop Lawsuits Surrounding Your Will Once You Pass Away?
There are many instances where major conflicts will erupt among your family members following your death. Often, these disputes may be over the division of valuable or sentimental assets. Not surprisingly, this is an outcome that most people want to see their family members avoid, but they may not realize that it can be possible to drastically reduce the chances that these disputes ever make it to a courtroom.
There are many states that allow individuals to include no-contest clauses in their wills. These stipulations state that individuals that are unsuccessful in mounting a legal challenge to the will may be barred from their portion of the inheritance. Unfortunately, this laws may not be in place in every state, and you will need to speak with an attorney to determine whether or not this is an option that you can include in your will.
What Is It Like To Update Your Will?
You will need to routinely update your will throughout the course of your life. This is intended to ensure that the assets you are leaving are as accurate as possible. Leaving undistributed assets or assets that no longer exist can be a recipe for chaos and legal disputes.
Luckily, the process of updating your will is extremely simple in most cases. You will need to meet with your attorney at least once a year or whenever you acquire or lose major assets. Providing the family law attorney documents proving the existence or loss of these assets as well as adjusting your inheritance plans is generally all that you will need to do. When this is completed, you will sign your new will, and the attorney will file it with the courts.
Arranging for your passing is probably not a task that you particularly want to do, but failure to take these steps can result in major turmoil for your family. If you make the effort to include a no-contest clause in your will as well as knowing what to expect when updating your will, you will find that making these arrangements is no more complicated or stressful than necessary.