Injuries within the workplace can leave you without the ability to perform your job duties successfully. Employees are entitled to financial benefits as they seek treatment for any injuries that occurred while they were on the job.
Physical injuries are fairly common when it comes to compensation claims, but mental injuries can also occur in the workplace. Learn more about your options if you believe your work environment is interfering with your mental well-being.
Types of Mental Injuries
A mental injury can be more difficult to define than a physical injury. If you stub your toe, trip and fall, or break a bone at work, you know that you should file a workers' compensation claim. But how do you know when you have a mental injury that needs to be addressed?
Workers' compensation funds are designed to pay for any injury caused by your work environment that makes it difficult to engage fully in all life has to offer.
If your employer makes you work long hours on a consistent basis, then you may experience mental fatigue that affects other areas of your life. Being the butt of office jokes can take a toll on your self-esteem. Stress created by a hostile work environment can cause your physical health to break down.
Each of these scenarios describes a mental injury that could justify the filing of a workers' compensation benefits claim as you work through the negative effects you are experiencing.
Justification for Mental Health Injuries
It is imperative that you are able to prove a direct connection between your work environment and your injury if you want to qualify for workers' compensation benefits. This connection is easy to establish when you are dealing with a physical injury.
Proving that a mental injury has been caused by your work environment and not external factors can be much more challenging. It's best to rely on the help of a mental health professional when filing an injury claim for a mental injury. These professionals can offer up an official diagnosis and give their expert opinion on the root cause of your mental anguish.
The testimony of a mental health professional is usually required if you want to receive workers' compensation benefits for a mental injury that you sustained at work.
Employers have a right to be compensated for all injuries that occur in the workplace — both mental and physical. Work with a workers' compensation law attorney to determine how you should proceed if you are ready to file a workers' compensation claim for your mental injury.