A large portion of the people who apply for Social Security Disability benefits will initially have their application denied. If this has happened to you, it is important to know that you have the right to appeal this decision. It is also important for you to know that you have the right to hire a Social Security Disability lawyer to represent you in your appeal. In fact, you will find that it is in your best interest to seek out an attorney to represent you. In this article, you can learn more about three of the reasons why you should hire a Social Security Disability lawyer to handle your appeal.
#1: Administrative Hearings Follow Many Of The Same Procedures As A Civil Court
While the administrative hearing process used by the Social Security Administration to determine appeal cases is not technically a court hearing, the procedures used in these hearings will be quite similar to those used in a courtroom. This includes the procedures for submitting evidence and witness testimonies. Without any legal education or experience, it can be difficult for many people to navigate all of these procedures on their own. Hiring a Social Security Disability lawyer to represent you can ensure that you are not only aware of all the procedures used during the appeals process, but also that you are prepared to effectively present your case while adhering to these procedures.
#2: A Failure To Win Your Appeal Could Cause You To Lose Any Back Pay You Are Entitled To
When you are approved for Social Security Disability benefits, you will be entitled to benefits dating back to the original date your application was filed. This right to collect back pay is preserved when filing an appeal even if your original application was denied. Unfortunately, if you lose your case on appeal, you will no longer be entitled to these back payments even if a subsequent application is eventually approved. Hiring a Social Security Disability lawyer to handle your appeal will increase your chances of winning your case and therefore reduce the chance of you losing any back pay you are entitled to.
#3: You Have Nothing To Lose By Choosing To Hire A Social Security Disability Lawyer
Even if you are still not sure about the idea of hiring a lawyer to handle your appeal, you will still want to pick up the phone and schedule a consultation with an attorney in your area. This is because you simply have nothing to lose by choosing to utilize these legal services. Since most disability lawyers offer their services on a contingency basis, the only time you will pay legal fees is if they are able to successfully win your case. This means that you have nothing to lose by choosing to have a lawyer represent you in your appeal.
To learn more contact a Social Security Disability law firm in your area such as Willis Spangler Starling.