While there are many signs that can help you know if you should turn to bankruptcy, one common sign is creditor harassment. Are your creditors on your back all the time for the money you owe them? Are you tired of not being able to answer your phone? Do you wish this creditor harassment would end? If so, filing for bankruptcy offers a way to make this happen. After filing, creditor harassment will end, and here are a few things to understand about this.
In the state of Michigan, all drivers are required to carry what is commonly referred to as "no-fault" insurance coverage. One of the benefits of no-fault insurance is that your medical bills, rehabilitation and lost wages are all paid by your insurance company; you do not have to fight another driver's insurance company for reimbursement and in general are not allowed to sue the other party for these costs as well.
Most people don't think of sidewalks and supermarkets as dangerous places, but all it takes is a small, slippery patch of ground and a hard, unforgiving surface to put people in the hospital. Several slip and fall accidents happen every year around the country, and though some are due simply to inclement weather, many more are the responsibility of negligent property owners. If you end up in the hospital as the result of a slip and fall accident, it's best to contact a slip and fall attorney right away.
When you succeed in getting your criminal records sealed, your hope is to have them locked away forever. However, this may not be up to you since there are situations in which the records may be accessed. For example, you should expect others to scrutinize your criminal history:
For Subsequent Charges and Sentencing
If you have been accused of a crime, then the government will use your criminal record to determine the severity of your charges and sentences.
While owning and riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun and very exciting, it can also be quite dangerous. MotocycleAccident.org lists a lot of shocking statistics about your lack of safety on the road, not the least frightening of which is the fact that more than a tenth of car accidents that happen in this country include motorcycles. If you have been involved in an accident that involved your motorcycle, you need to hire a motorcycle accident attorney, even if the accident was not your fault.